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Your Business Advantage
At Trading Edge AustralAsia we ensure immediate “off balance sheet” benefits when you use our services.  Next »  Learn more
Foreign Market Entry
When entering new markets, businesses usually focus on the end aim of profitable trade, but they lose sight of the mechanics, legal obligations and insights of local input.  « Previous Next »  Learn more
Australian Market Entry
Foreign companies that view Australia as a desirable premium market often overlook their own product development and compatibility with the Australian Standards.  « Previous  Learn more

Indonesia & South East Asia Markets Entry

Indonesia & South East Asia Markets as a "Gateway" into Asia/ASEAN.
Container ship at dock
Asia is fast becoming the centre of business and growth for the world in the next decade and beyond.

For SMEs doing business in Asia IS complex, with many aspects of culture, regulations, market barriers, language, religious differences and business methods all requiring specialised knowledge and experience. We assist to do the proper planning "up-front", and assist with undertanding barriers that could prevent continuous trading.

What you experience on the surface at your initial introductions, and the excitement experienced with new contacts - is NOT what is actually happening.

It is important to talk to us to avoid being swept up into business arrangements that will not fit your objectives, however we will help you leverage into the rest of the expansive Asian marketplace. We work with you on the opportunities to do business, not just present a "report" and leave the rest to you. 

Trading Edge provides day-to-day Management “Program Plus” advisory functions:

  • Conducting market validation programs to define problems, reduce barriers and find solutions
  • Strategies for off-shore operations – plan resources, start-up and establish ongoing operations that establish sustainability and not over-extend
  • Exploring the advantages of leveraging foreign business operations from one ASEAN market to get into another
  • Audits of the target JV business assets both “on” and “off” the asset register
  • Analysing the “real capabilities” of the equipment/machinery available to you to produce the goods required


We work with you, all the way to the “factory floor”.

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