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Your Business Advantage
At Trading Edge AustralAsia we ensure immediate “off balance sheet” benefits when you use our services.  Next »  Learn more
Foreign Market Entry
When entering new markets, businesses usually focus on the end aim of profitable trade, but they lose sight of the mechanics, legal obligations and insights of local input.  « Previous Next »  Learn more
Australian Market Entry
Foreign companies that view Australia as a desirable premium market often overlook their own product development and compatibility with the Australian Standards.  « Previous  Learn more

Your Business Advantage

Trading Edge implements your Company priorities with consideration to:

  • An initial realistic time scale to achieve market understanding and therefore the return on investment may be very much quicker.
  • You get immediate access to trustworthy management that can guide the business within the foreign market. Again, good business partners are hard to find.
  • Immediate international networking for business development.
  • Trading Edge has travelled throughout Asia, with a current understanding to work, on behalf of clients in ASEAN trading countries, specifically in: Indonesia; South East Asia Markets; Thailand; Singapore; China; New Zealand and also Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and India.
  • We can provide legal, immigration and commercial introductions that will allow your business to be established and trade more quickly.

Advice and Coaching

Advice for your plans to expand into regional ASEAN markets – various situations exist in different countries for different products and services; and evaluations of your current early off-shore relationships to reap the most from the early negotiations.

Coaching in regards to the complex SE Asia business culture environment and its impact specifically on your plans and engagement process. It is important to understand what your off-shore associate understands, and the regional cross border relationships and Country Plans.


► We travel with you as a "pre-requisite" in  the early days, to work "on-the-ground" in-country for full engagement to maximise the initial channels of communication. Our introduction of you and your business to critical contacts, regulators and industry sector principals ensures an effective “foot-print” in-country for the effective development of your business, while determining the necessary regulations applicable to have effective operational plans. 

  • Our portfolio of assistance has spanned a variety of Industries:
    ►Automotive & LPG – after-market parts, LPG automotive conversions.
    ►Manufacturing – FMCG; lubricants; Metal & Engineering.
    ►Apparel – Fashion, fabrics, patterns and production.
    ►Food – packaging; product development, market compatibility.
    ►Cosmetics – formulations, packaging, distribution.
    ►Technology – call centre operations; prospecting and outbound sales.

We ensure immediate “off balance sheet” benefits when you use Trading Edge AustralAsia services.  

       Ask Us How.

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