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Your Business Advantage
At Trading Edge AustralAsia we ensure immediate “off balance sheet” benefits when you use our services.  Next »  Learn more
Foreign Market Entry
When entering new markets, businesses usually focus on the end aim of profitable trade, but they lose sight of the mechanics, legal obligations and insights of local input.  « Previous Next »  Learn more
Australian Market Entry
Foreign companies that view Australia as a desirable premium market often overlook their own product development and compatibility with the Australian Standards.  « Previous  Learn more

Foreign Market Engagement

Container shipGet it right for ASEAN and shape your future!

When entering new markets, it takes advanced expertise. Businesses usually focus on the end aim of profitable trade, but they lose sight of the mechanics, legal obligations and insights of local input. Business Culture and concepts of understanding directly relate to successful outcomes - talk to us

It is widely known that it will take many trips to get traction in the Asian marketplace. We assist you with in-depth knowledge and strategies for these cross-cultural issues essential for immediate, short-term and long-term understanding of operating "in-country" and with new Indonesian business associates – “yes” does not necessarily mean “yes” and "No" does not necessarily mean "no"in Asian culture.  

is a very useful understanding to follow this principle: the behaviour is not necessarily the intention. In Asia, it is critical to understand the layers of manangement, issues and interpretations that affect trading and the nuances that surround your business in a foreign Country - in other words, the behaviour and actions you observe may not necessarily be what the communicator intended to communicate.

When Companies look at involvement with an "off-shore" business, Trading Edge carries out a “macro due diligence”. This is to ensure the end results are achieved without pain and Trading Edge works to minimise your risk and expense.

Asia Is Already here!    Learn to Deal with the Differences.   

Grasp the opportunities that engaging with Asia will give your Company for an expansive future.

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